Clinical Case Spotlight on Early Vascular Screening
In the arena of endovascular intervention, early diagnosis of Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) can be a game-changer. This month, I’m presenting a case that emphasizes this critical point.-
Clinical Background:
74-year-old male
PMH: PAD, DM2, HTN, HLD, CKD Stage 3
Clinical Presentation:
Severe claudication, right lower limb
Rest pain in the right lower limb
ABI: 0.66
Clinical Findings:
Arterial US: 90% stenosis in right SFA
Confirmatory Angiography
Interventional Strategy:
Atherectomy and balloon angioplasty, right SFA
Excellent post-procedure outcomes
Clinical Implications:
Prompt vascular screening can dramatically improve patient outcomes and quality of life.
#PADAwarenessMonth #PeripheralArterialDisease #Endovascular #InterventionalCardiology #VascularHealth #EarlyScreening #Atherectomy #Angioplasty #VascularSurgery #ABItest #VascularScreening #LowerLimbIschemia #Claudication #RestPain #CardiovascularHealth #CardiovascularDisease #VascularMedicine #InterventionalRadiology #ChronicKidneyDisease #DiabetesAndPAD