Case Study: DVT Treatment
62-year-old male with metastatic prostate carcinoma, undergoing chemotherapy.
- Symptoms: 7-week left leg edema, suspected cellulitis unresponsive to antibiotics, impacting daily activities.
- Clinical Examination: Left extremity showed erythematous edema, indurated skin, and tenderness; normal contralateral limb and overall system exams.
- Diagnostics: Included a CECT scan revealing a thrombus and soft tissue mass in the mid-left iliac vein.
- Findings: Thrombus and vessel wall compression in the iliac vein; normal echocardiogram; elevated D-dimer and inflammatory markers.
- Treatment: Mechanical thrombectomy with subsequent left iliac vein stenting due to flow limitation from external compression.
- Outcome: Immediate symptom improvement and the patient was referred for palliative radiotherapy for prostate carcinoma.
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